
How We Can Help

Alpha Women's Center provides medical services including pregnancy tests, limited OB ultrasounds, and STD testing and treatment, and other support services to meet client needs at no cost to you. We are a safe and confidential place for you to be heard and get the information and help you need to make the best choices for your life.

Pregnancy Testing

Whether your period is late or you had unprotected sex, you may be wondering if you are pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, breast tenderness, ​or nausea may or may not be present early on. But since not knowing can cause anxiety, why not find out for sure? Our medical-grade pregnancy tests can detect the pregnancy hormone hCG in urine. You'll get your results right away and our nurse will talk through your next steps with you.

If you are pregnant, here are some common symptoms that you may be experiencing:

  • Missed period: Did you miss your period?  A missed period alone does not mean you are pregnant, but if you are experiencing other symptoms, then you may need to take a pregnancy test.
  • Nausea and/or Vomiting: Are you feeling ill? Nausea and/or vomiting, often referred to as “morning sickness,” can actually occur at any time of the day. 
  • Breast Tenderness: Are your breasts feeling different? Sore breasts and/or nipples are a common pregnancy symptom.
  • Frequent Urination: Are you feeling like you are constantly peeing? This is common during pregnancy.
  • Changes in appetite: Do foods you used to like not sound so good anymore? Or are you having cravings? Appetite changes are common during pregnancy.
  • Fatigue: Are you more tired than usual? Fatigue, or increased tiredness, is a common symptom of pregnancy.

Experiencing these symptoms may be very upsetting if you were not expecting to be pregnant. You will receive your results from a licensed medical professional during your visit and will have the opportunity to have all of your questions answered. We can give you all the information you need to make the best choices for yourself.  Call or text 952-495-0300 or click here to schedule an appointment.


If your test is positive, you'll be offered a limited obstetrical ultrasound. The ultrasound, performed by a trained sonographer, will give you important information you need to make a decision about your own health. Since 25 percent of all pregnancies result in miscarriage, it's important to know if the pregnancy is viable. The ultrasound will show if the baby has a heartbeat and if it is located in the uterus where it needs to be in order to grow. The measurements the nurse will take during the ultrasound will also show how far along you are.

We provide Limited Obstetrical Ultrasounds performed by a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer or by a Registered Nurse who is trained in Limited OB Ultrasound. Having an ultrasound is important because it will confirm that the pregnancy is viable. Whatever options you are considering, the limited OB ultrasound will help to determine three important things about your pregnancy:

  • The ultrasound will confirm that the pregnancy is in the uterus.
  • The ultrasound will help determine how far along you are based on measurements obtained.
  • The ultrasound will determine whether or not there is a heartbeat, and what that heart rate is.

Our medical staff will provide your ultrasound at no cost to you. You will be given time to ask any questions that you might have. The findings will then be confirmed by a medical doctor.

Already know you are pregnant but want more information? Call or text 952-495-0300 or click here to make an appointment for an ultrasound.

STI Testing and Treatment

If you're concerned about unintended pregnancy, you may also be concerned about other areas of your sexual health.  STDs are a significant health challenge facing the United States. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that nearly 20 million new sexually transmitted infections occur every year in this country and half of those are among young people ages 15–24. In addition to increasing a person’s risk for HIV infection, STDs can lead to severe reproductive health complications, such as infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are the two most commonly reported STDs in the U.S.  We offer free testing and treatment for these infections.  Click here, or call or text 952-495-0300 to make an appointment.
  • Chlamydia is the single most reported STI in the United States. Most people who have Chlamydia don’t know it since the disease doesn’t have any symptoms. Chlamydia is easy to cure, but if left untreated, my lead to complications with fertility in the future.Gonorrhea can cause serious health problems in both men and women if left untreated, but it can be cured with the right medication.
  • You can get an STI by having intimate sexual contact with someone who already has a STI and they may or may not have symptoms. The CDC recommends annual chlamydia screening for any sexually active female who is 25 years old or younger, and for women over 25 with risk factors like a new sexual partner, multiple sexual partners, or known exposure

Do you think you might have symptoms of an STI/STD? We offer free and confidential STI/STD testing for women. Our Registered Nurse will ask you questions about your sexual history, discuss your risk for STI/STDs and answer any questions you may have. We can test you for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea through obtaining a urine sample that will be sent to an outside lab. You will receive your results at your next visit, about a week later. If your results are positive, treatment will be provided.

Do you need help with housing, food support, diapers, a crib for your baby, or other material needs? We can help connect you with the resources you need.We have many community partners that work together to help you get the support you need. Want more info on pregnancy, parenting, finances, or relationships?  Our online classes can help!  And yes, they're free!  Contact us with your specific interests and we'll help you get set up.

Are you ready to make positive, lasting change in your life?  Is it time to set new goals, and make a plan to reach them?  If you are ready to start a new journey, our life coach can help.As a free service to our clients, Alpha Women's Center will provide clients with 10 private sessions with a life coach.  Through these confidential sessions, she can help you take the steps to live your best life. Life coaching is different than normal conversations. Life coaching is sourcing the answers from inside you, meaning you will receive no advice from the coach. Life coaching is client led, not coach led. You will determine the path for the session. Life coaching is not therapy or fixing the past, life coaching is looking towards the future.

While the first session is usually done in person, following sessions can be in person, by phone, Skype or Zoom, so don't let your work schedule or parenting responsibilities stand in your way.  Call 952-495-0300 today to set up an appointment with our life coach, Barb.